Neue Welt des Reisens

Neue Welt des Reisens

Wilhelm Weitling:  Man wird nicht nur seinen Geburtsort kennen, sondern man wird alle
Zonen und Welttheile bereisen, und überall in seiner Heimath sein.

Die Einwohner von etwa 25 Ländern genießen eine Regelung
über visafreien Reiseverkehr mit Russland.

Did you know between 1957 and 1976, there was a regular bus service between London and Calcutta, India.The 32,000km, 50 day, 2-way bus route is the longest in the world.
The bus had sleeping bunks and even a kitchen! For just £145, you get to travel with food
& accomodation. The bus would stop at attractions and for shopping in Vienna, Istanbul
& Iran The bus ride took passengers from England to Belgium, West Germany, Austria,
Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India.