
Fundacion San Lucas Bolivia
Amatura (Amazonas Brasil)

Mother I Feel You
Die Ausrottung der Indianer
Eine aussergewöhnliche Rede in aussergewöhnlichen Zeiten
Rainbow Spirit II-Mother I Feel You Under My Feet
Andreas Krüger | Das Volk der Lagune | Live von den XI. Schamanentagen Berlin
Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration
Chief Seattle Speech 1854 Excerpts German Narration
A Native American, Chief Seattle speaks eternally from 1854
Medicin for mother earth
Projekte in Südamerika Medizinische Hilfe
20 indianische Lebensregeln
Native American Girls Describe the REAL History Behind Thanksgiving
National Day of Mourning – November 28, 2019
A Brief History Of The Trail of Tears
Völkermord und Seelenmord an den Indianern Nordamerikas
The Invasion of America
Tulsi Gabbard Greeting and blessing the first full day of the new Congress.
Bolsonaros „Kriegserklärung“ gegen Brasiliens Indigene
Die indigenen Bewohner des Amazonasgebiets werden
das größte grüne Gebiet der Welt schaffen und schützen
Indigenous movement stops construction of Brazilian mega-dam
‚ES HERRSCHT KRIEG‘ – Der Amazonas wird gerodet und Indigene werden ermordet!
Tausende Indigene protestieren in Brasilien gegen Landraub
„Sie wollen uns alle töten“
R.I.P. Diana Isabel Hernández – Euer Profit kostet uns das Leben!
Brasilianerin postet unter Tränen Video von Waldbrand: „Ich will, dass das alle sehen!“
„Die Indigenen müssen um ihr Leben fürchten“
„Es wurde genug Blut vergossen“
If you want to protect the forests, you have to protect the people
Yanomami Amazon reserve invaded by 20,000 miners; Bolsonaro fails to act
Der Selbstmord der Guarani – Wie die Trennung
zwischen Mensch und Natur die Psyche beeinflussen kann
PACHAKUTEQ – Zeit des Wandels – Die Rückkehr des Lichts – Dokumentarfilm
Hallan muerta a la indígena que lideró el movimiento contra la gran presa de Chile
35 indigenous Climate Warriors Descend on Paris for COP21
Eine Insel der Hoffnung in einem Meer voller Soja
Living forests: Kichwa people of Sarayaku launch
defence of indigenous territories worldwide
Klarträumen durch eine Wunderpflanze aus Ecuador
Eagle Woman Explains How Indig. Peoples Are Key to Surviving Climate Change
Südamerika: Der stille Tod der Indianer
Son Apasionados de Canas▷ Mix carnaval de canas
Der gebrochene Pfeil (Spielfilm 1950)
1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus Trailer
1491: Rewriting the History Before Columbus – Charles C. Mann
Día de la Hispanidad: el genocidio de los pueblos indígenas de América continúa
Die Abrechnung
Der stille Tod der Indianer
Bedrohlicher Masern-Ausbruch bei isolierten Yanomami
Das neue Bolivien: Auf dem Wege zum Vielvölkerstaat
Road to Machu Picchu – Peru
Survival International
Imperium – Der Kriegsruf der Indianer / Terra X ZDF
Uncontacted Tribes
Shifting cultivation
Farmers turn to Aboriginal burning techniques, revive land
Die Baka lieben und brauchen den Wald
Die Letzten Kawahiva
Die ersten Naturschützer
„Ich bin stolz, Indigene zu sein“
San Lucas Health Project
Who started the amazon rainforest fire?
Brasilien: Amazonas Apokalypse stoppen!
Brasilianerin postet unter Tränen Video von Waldbrand: „Ich will, dass das alle sehen!“
„Trinke dort, wo ein Pferd seinen Durst löscht – ein Pferd wird niemals schlechtes Wasser trinken. Gehe dort zu Bett, wo eine Katze schläft. Iss die Frucht, welche ein Wurm berührte. Greife angstfrei nach den Pilzen, wo sich Schnaken und Mücken hinsetzen. Pflanze dort
einen Baum, wo ein Maulwurf gräbt. Bau ein Haus auf dem Platz, wo sich die Schlange wärmt. Grabe einen Brunnen dort, wo die Vögel an heißen Tagen nisten. Gehe zu Bett und stehe auf zusammen mit den Hühnern – so wirst du ein goldenes Korn für den ganzen Tag erlangen. Iss mehr Grünes – so wirst du starke Beine und ein ausdauerndes Herz wie bei
einem Tier haben. Geh öfters schwimmen, dann wirst du dich auf der Erde wie ein Fisch
im Wasser fühlen. Schaue öfters zum Himmel und nicht unter die Füße – so werden deine
Gedanken klar und leicht sein. Schweige öfters anstatt zu reden – so wird die Stille deine
Seele bewohnen, dein Geist wird friedlich und ruhig sein.“ GabY~Y
Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro rolls back Indigenous tribe protections
Brasilien: Regierung verstärkt Druck auf indigene Bevölkerung
*Bolsonaro has compared Indigenous people to animals trapped in a zoo.
*Jair Bolsonaro pledged to refuse any new land rights claims and open existing land
up to commercial mining and farming.
*Brazil is home to about 100 uncontacted tribes, the largest in any one country.
Wake up world. Before we have lost everything. 🤯😥😫😱
„When you follow the crowd you lose yourself but when you follow your soul you will lose the crowd. Eventually your soul tribe will appear. But do not fear the process of solitude.“ ~ Tribe of Amazon, Brazil
Yanomami-Jäger im Amazonasgebiet essen niemals ihre eigene Beute. Sie verschenken sie oft an Andere, bevor sie diese überhaupt nach Hause bringen. Im Gegenzug essen sie nur das, was die anderen Jäger ihnen überlassen. Jeder isst etwas von dem, was ein anderer gefangen hat. Das fördert den Gemeinschaftsgeist und den Zusammenhalt.
Dramatische Missionarsgeschichte: DIE MIT TRÄNEN SÄEN…..
“Wer mit Tränen sät, wird mit Freude ernten. ” Psalm 125:5
The First Nations believe when you are going through a hard time or a problem and a
feather appears on your path that you will be blessed with spiritual support and guidance. You must accept this feather and use it as your smudging item in your smoke prayers, the spirit that dwells in this flyer will come to you as your guide to help you with your problems and will protect you from harm. This powerful medicine will become one with you and
spiritual gifts will manifest within you from the attributes of this flyer. For you will now be able to summon this spirit guide whenever you use this sacred feather in your smoke
prayers, you can also hang it on your dreamcatcher or medicine shield for protection from bad medicine. Whenever a flyer places a part of itself to you than the spirit of that flyer has been asked to be your spirit guide. Ekosi.🐦💕🐦
Feathers feathers everywhere
No constriction do I share
I say it all with a pure heart
special messsages I do impart
Feathers you will find from me
to help you fly, to set you free
Feather messages from the hawk
means something’s up, I“d like to talk
Feathers from the pure white dove
a message that I’m sending love
Feathers from the great white owl
Messages not to throw in the towel
Feathers from the Great Blue Heron
means it’s time for you to do some sharin
Messages from the Wild Turkey
Means all you have to do is be
Jeanne L. Thompson
Many thanks to Richard McCarthy for rhe beautiful pic of Kerry❤
„The growing and dying of the moon reminds us of our ignorance which comes and goes- but when the moon is full it is as if the Great Spirit were upon the whole world.“
~ Black Elk, Oglala Sioux ~
When we made our great journey to Mother Earth the Great Spirit knew the lessons we must learn. We have been chosen to go through the victories and tribulations only this life can give us, we have been specifically picked to find faith when there is hopelessness, to find love where there is loneliness, to find harmony where there is separation, and to find peace where there is fear. When we are finally able to rise above these negative energies and not be susceptible to them but be a calming and positive energy when we are faced with them. For truly when we are finally able to not surrender to these negative energies and not let them work through our words and actions is when we are learning our lessons, when we can transform the negative energy that comes to us in our daily lives and transform it into positive energy is when our spirit evolves. Fear, worry and anger are only
obstacles we must overcome because truly they serve no purpose and in the end of this physical life we will find that they were only lessons. Ekosi.🌎⭐💕⭐🌎
We do not choose our spiritual destiny, our spiritual destiny chooses us. We cannot escape who we are, nor can we repress what is within our heart. For we all have been given this precious breath of life, to fulfill the sacred instructions that has been programmed in our consciousness by the source. Our path was chosen long before we entered this reality and it is revealed to us when we are not influenced by the agendas of others, nor by affiliations who claim they only have the truth. For truly it is only our heart that holds the universal truth of this circle of life, we hold all the knowledge within to react in a responsible and good way to everything we face in this reality. We all have a different path and instructions within, but what makes us all related is we have the same final destination, for that is why we all must respect and honor all the people who walk a different path but wage the good fight to make our lives better here on Mother Earth. We must release our years of conditioning by sources who had their own selfish agenda on how to mold us to what is value in this life, and let only our spiritual destiny within guide us to the real truth. Ekosi.🌎💕🌎
Stonehenge will livestream its summer solstice celebration for the first time ever
The medicine men have said Mother Earth is out of balance, they have seen the signs at
the sacred temple our Ancestors the Anasazi built at Choco Canyon. For it has shown for the first time since this temple has been built, that the sunlight no longer shines through the window portals to light up the petroglyphs on the temple walls, so there can only be one reason, that Mother Earth has shifted her axis. This precise measurement that the
Ancestors used to foresee any deviation in Mother Earth’s balance shows that the end of the fourth age is here and the beginning of the fifth age is upon us. For it is the loss of this
balance that will bring in the great purification, Super storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and sunamis will only increase from this imbalance of Mother Earth and what will occur will be a great loss of life. For the Ancestors say it is the imbalance of man within that brings this imbalance from Mother Earth, for it is this measurement from the stars that
is the map to mankind’s future and destiny on Mother Earth. Ekosi. 🌎💕🌎
„When the European first came here, Columbus, we could drink out of any river.
If the Europeans had lived the Indian way when they came we’d still be drinking
out of the water. Cause the water is sacred. The air is sacred.
Our DNA is made of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale.
When the tree exhales we need what the tree exhales, so we have a common destiny
with the tree… We are all from the Earth. And when the Earth & atmosphere is corrupted,
then it will create its own reaction. Our mother is reacting…“
~Floyd „Red Crow“ Westerman
„The world has become a market, and its this market we have to deal with, this idea
of boundless and endless resources. When you say resources you are talking about our
relatives, talking about our family. Fish are not a resource, they are our family and require respect… The structure of the world itself, it functions on natural law, and the natural law is a powerful regenerative process. Its a process of regeneration that continues and grows and is endless. Its absolutely endless if everyone agrees to the law and follows the law.
But if you challenge the law, and you think you are going to change the law,
then you are bound to failure…“
~John Trudell (American Indian Movement)
We Are All One (Native American Prophecy)
War is Obsolete, All Life Interrelated – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jane Goodall: If humans don’t change „we’re going to destroy ourselves“
“We’re entering the Age of Nature. It’s high time to learn the ground rules and play by them to design a regenerative and equitable civilization. The formula is simple: Taking care of nature means taking care of people, and taking care of people means taking care of nature. Regeneration is the byword. Building resilience is the grail – both ecological and social.
The word “crisis” comes from the Greek word krino. It means “to decide.” We need to
decide what kind of future we want – and act like our lives depend on it. It’s now o’clock.
The Mayan people call this the “Time of No Time.” From here on, we’re on Earth time.
Mother Earth is shaking to her core. It’s a time of madness, disconnection, and hyper-individualism. It’s also a time when new energies are coming into the world, when people are growing a new skin. The Mayan vision says that we in the West will find safe harbor only if we can journey past a wall of mirrors. The mirrors will surely drive us mad—unless we
have a strong heart. Some mirrors delude us with an infinity of reflections of our vanity and shadows. Others paralyze us with our terror and rage, feeding an empire that manufactures our fear into resignation. But the empire has no roots and it’s toppling all around us.
In this time everyone is called to take a stand. Everyone is called to be a leader.
To get beyond the wall of mirrors, the final challenge is to pass through a tiny door.
To do this, we must make ourselves very, very small. To be very humble. Then we must
burrow down into the Earth, where indigenous consciousness lives. On the other side is a clear pond. There, for the first time, we’ll be able to see our true reflection. In this Time of No Time, they say, we can go in any direction we want—by dreaming it. Our dreaming can shift the course of the world. It’s going to be a long and winding trek across generations.
We’re already making some of the pathways others can walk toward our many dreams.
Countless more dreamers will blaze luminous new trails. The dreams are already within us.“ Kenny Ausubel: The End of Prehistory